Honda Civic Used

Car shoppers in the market for used Honda Civics for sale have many options from which to choose. The reason for this is simple, the Honda Civic is one of the bestselling and most reliable automobiles sold in North America. This potent combination translates into full-featured Honda Civics for sale at very competitive prices making them excellent used car options. Consumers focusing on a Civic have made a good decision already but one needs to narrow the search in order to make headway.

Honda introduced the Civic to North America back in 1973 and used car shoppers can find Honda Civics for sale as far back as those early models. However, unless the consumer is in the market for a classic import, they will want to start their search at no earlier than the 1992 models. The 1992 Honda Civic marks the beginning of the fifth-generation Civic. The sixth-generation is generally considered the start of Civics modern era but the fifth-generation included most of the important innovations. However, consumers should be aware that they lack some of the amenities and safety features that modern drivers take for granted.

Honda manufactured the sixth generation from 1996-2000 and the seventh generation from 2001-2005. Consumers can purchase these Civics with the confidence that, outside of being aesthetically outdated and lacking some of the new technologies, they are not substantially different from newer models Civics. 1996-2005 Civics in good condition still provide great levels of performance, reliability and safety.

The difference in price between a 1996 Civic and 2005 Civic can be sharp. Customers considering models in the upper part of that range, however, should also consider paying slightly more for a 2006 model year Civic. This Civic model marks the beginning of the eighth generation and differs very little in terms of performance and amenities from the 2010 Honda Civics.

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